Sunday 13 June 2010

Boycott from Within - Tel Aviv

For Israelis and those interested in how Israelis can support Palestinian rights:

We met with Boycott from Within today in Tel Aviv.  It is an Israeli group that supports the  2005 BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) unified call from Palestinians in a wide variety of positions.  Considering that Israel itself uses a policy of boycott and collective punishment, this organization sees the BDS call as a necessary and appropriate response to the situation.  The BDS mouvement has three demands:
1. Right of Return (for Palestinians, not to be confused with Law of Return for Jews to Israel)
2. Equal rights within the green line/1948/Israel Proper
3. End to the Occupation

It was really powerful to see that there is in fact a minority within Israel that is willing to support such direct action and that recognizes in full the demands of Palestinians. The BDS campaign is the clearest and most powerful answer to the "What do we do now?" question that has arisen in my time here. 

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